CSG Parallelism and Performance presents

Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science (PPCES)

Date: March 10th - March 14th, 2025; Format: in presence: IT Center, seminar rooms 3 + 4, Kopernikusstr. 6, 52072 Aachen

Short abstract:

The workshop on Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science (PPCES) is a one-week event that covers the basics of parallel programming and first steps in performance tuning. It focuses on parallel programming with OpenMP on shared-memory computers (two days) and with MPI on distributed-memory computers (two days). It also introduces compute techniques for machine & deep learning (one day). The workshop includes hands-on exercises that can be executed on CLAIX – the HPC cluster at RWTH Aachen University.

Contact email address: hpcevent@itc.rwth-aachen.de

Language: English

Capacity: 70

Link to previous PPCES events: https://blog.rwth-aachen.de/itc-events/en/ppces/



Contact person

‎Dr. Sandra Wienke

RWTH Aachen University