18. September 2024
CSG Visualization
and RWTH Aachen University
Cross-Sectional Group
The CSG Visualization develops solutions for interactive (optionally immersive) visualization of scientific datasets.
The latest developments in ever faster computing hardware as well es efficient algorithms allow domain scientist to generate fast, more reliable and more detailed simulations and models of real-world phenomena. This, however, also increases the complexity of the data and poses a variety of challenges. One of those challenges is to make sense of the data and cope with the sheer amount of information to process as well as monitoring simulations early on.
One common way to make the analysis of data and processes easier, is to use visualization which means mapping complex information to visual abstractions which harnesses the humans’ strong visual sense such that even large quantities of data and interconnected relations can be communicated easily.
As such, the task of the CSG Visualization is to provide state-of-the-art visualization methods for variety of data being used within the NHR context. This includes spatial visualizations of data in immersive 3D environments (VR) or 2D/3D rendering applications as well as interactive analysis tools tailored to specific domains and users. In situations, where no off-the-shelf visualization exists, the task of our group is to develop new methods beyond state of the art.
If you have questions for other groups or general questions like access to the HPC infrastructure, have a look at our support website.
Current research topics:
- In-Situ Visualization: Provide instant visual feedback during simulations to monitor and judge current processes
- Uncertainty Visualization: Quantify the trustworthiness of the data
- Immersive Visualization
Support activities:
- Analyze challenges and provide experience in possible visualizations that aid the process
Trainings in 2024:
- IEEE SciVis Contest 2023 – Dataset of Neuronal Network Simulations of the Human Brain, (Tim Gerrits, Fabian Czappa, Divya Banesh, Felix Wolf), Data Publication for IEEE SciVis Contest 2023
- IntenSelect+: Enhancing Score-Based Selection in Virtual Reality, (Marcel Krüger, Tim Gerrits, Timon Römer, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Weissker), IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024
- On the Computation of User Placements for Virtual Formation Adjustments during Group Navigation, (Tim Weissker, Matthis Franzgrote, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2024
- Game Engines for Immersive Visualization: Using Unreal Engine Beyond Entertainment, (Marcel Krüger, David Gilbert, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality
- InsitUE – Enabling Hybrid In-situ Visualizations through Unreal Engine and Catalyst, (Marcel Krüger, Jan Frieder Milke, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), Springer Lecture Notes (7th International Workshop on In Situ Visualization, ISC 2024)
- DaVE – A Curated Database of Visualization Examples, (Jens Koenen, Marvin Petersen, Christoph Garth, Tim Gerrits), To be published at IEEE VIS 2024 Shortpaper Track
- A Case Study on Providing Immersive Visualization for Neuronal Network Data Using COTS Soft- and Hardware, (Marcel Krüger, Qin Li, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), IEEE VR Workshop Workshop on Immersive Visualization Laboratories – Past, Present and Future (@IEEE VR 2023)
- A Case Study on Providing Accessbility-Focused In-Transit Architectures for Neural Network Simulation and Analysis, (Marcel Krüger, Simon Oehrl, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), Springer Lecture Notes (6th International Workshop on In Situ Visualization, ISC 2023)
- Leveraging BC6H Texture Compression and Filtering for Efficient Vector Field Visualization, (Simon Oehrl, Jan Frieder Milke, Jens Koenen, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), The Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV), 2023
- Insite: A Pipeline Enabling In-Transit Visualization and Analysis for Neuronal Network Simulations (Marcel Krüger, Simon Oehrl, Ali C. Demiralp, Sebastian Spreizer, Jens Bruchertseifer, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits, Benjamin Weyers), Workshop on In Situ Visualization, ISC 2022
- Multi-faceted Visual Analysis of Oceanographic Simulation Ensemble Data(Hennes Rave, Johannes Fincke, Steffen Averkamp, Beate Tangerding, Luca P. Wehrenberg, Tim Gerrits, Karim Huesmann, Simon Leistikow, Lars Linsen), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- Performance Assessment of Diffusive Load Balancing for Distributed Particle Advection (Ali Demiralp, Dirk Helmrich, Joachim Protze, Torsten Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), Journal of WSCG
- Studying the Effect of Tissue Properties on Radiofrequency Ablation by Visual Simulation Ensemble Analysis (Karl Heimes, Marina Evers, Tim Gerrits, Sandeep Gyawali, David Sinden, Tobias Preusser, Lars Linsen), 12th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (EG VCBM)
- Astray: A Performance-Portable Geodesic Ray Tracer (Ali Demiralp, Marcel Krüger, Chu-I Chao, Torsten Kuhlen, Tim Gerrits), The Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV)
- A C++20 Interface for MPI 4.0 (Ali Demiralp, Philipp Martin, Niko Sakic, Marcel Krüger, Tim Gerrits), The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22)
- MODE: A modern ordinary differential equation solver for C++ and CUDA (Ali Demiralp, Marcel Krüger, Tim Gerrits), International Conference Of Numerical Analysis And Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM22)
CSG Visualization News
ParaView User Day – Enabling Scientific Visualization for HPC
30. July 2024
Enhancing XNS with In Situ Visualization
25. September 2023