SDL Fluids presents

CFD Training Series: Introduction to eXtended Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Multi-Phase Flow Problems

Date: 06.05.2025, 1.00 pm - 5.00 pm; Format: online

Short abstract:

In this course, we cover the main building blocks to solve multi-phase flow problems using the extended Discontinuous Galerkin (XDG) method. The course consists of a combination of presentations and hands-on exercises in which a simple XDG two-phase flow solver is implemented and run on some test cases within our open-source code framework BoSSS.

Information about SDL Fluids

Language: English

Capacity: no limit

Prerequisites: a working BoSSS and JupyterLab installation

Further information: additional information will be announced to the participants in the week before the course.

Registration coming soon


As well open for the participants of
the European Digital Innovation Hub

Contact person

Dr. Martin Smuda

TU Darmstadt