Simulation and Data Labs - SDLs
and RWTH Aachen University
Four SDLs are established in NHR4CES.
SDLs and CSGs provide concepts and materials for training, for on-site as well as remote educational offerings. The SDLs address thematically focused application scenarios and the further development of the associated simulation codes or support tools. SDLs form a bridge between the HPC infrastructure and a specific scientific research areas. Four SDLs are established in NHR4CES:
SDL Energy Conversion
aims to enable computationally efficient simulations of real-scale combustion devices by developing HPC-ready rCFD software and methods by a co-design process.
SDL Fluids
advances the use of HPC to enable highly resolved and sophisticated CFD applications.
SDL Materials Design
provides the best tools for the analysis and visualization of computed 3D particle configurations.
SDL Digital Patient
develops model-based medical applications, ranging from molecular modeling of disease mechanisms up to patient scale system medicine models.