Cross-Sectional Groups - CSGs
and RWTH Aachen University
Four CSGs are established in NHR4CES.
CSGs and SDLs provide concepts and materials for training, for on-site as well as remote educational offerings. The CSGs bundle methodological activities that are important for all users of high-performance computers. The following four CSGs are established in NHR4CES:
CSG Data Management
connects NHR4CES with the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)initiatives and supports users at the interface to HPC and emerging solutions for distributed research data management.
CSG Data Science and Machine Learning
provides methodological support across application domains and guidance to make HPC and data infrastructure better suited for new tasks.
CSG Parallelism and Performance
supports performance engineering, in particular performance management, modeling, optimization, and parallel programming.
CSG Visualization
develops solutions for interactive (optionally immersive) visualization of scientific datasets.