and RWTH Aachen University
An insight into NHR4CES
In NHR4CES, RWTH Aachen University and Technical University Darmstadt join forces to combine their strengths in HPC applications, algorithms and methods, and the efficient use of HPC hardware. Our goal is to create an ecosystem combining best practices of HPC and research data management to address questions that are of central importance for technical developments in economy and society.
We support the development of scalable algorithms and software for the investigation, development, design, construction, evaluation, and production of engineering applications with a particular focus on engineering and materials science as well as engineering-oriented physics, chemistry and medicine.
To achieve these goals, scientists in NHR4CES collaborate in topic-specific so-called Simulation and Data Laboratories and Cross-Sectional Groups. They provide a point of contact for HPC users in Germany and furthermore ensure the connection between users and the HPC infrastructure.