18. March 2025
National High Performance Computing Center for Computational Engineering Science
and RWTH Aachen University
Welcome to NHR4CES, your chance to use free computing time on our state-of-the-art computing resources and to benefit from our support services.
Whether you are delving into computational engineering, materials science, engineering-oriented physics, chemistry, or medicine, NHR4CES provides you with the necessary computing time and services of advancing your science.
In addition to free access to our computing time on our infrastructure, NHR4CES is committed to providing exceptional support services.
In NHR4CES, RWTH Aachen University and TU Darmstadt implement a comprehensive multi-layered support, training, and consulting concept that is geared towards providing specific help according to the users’ demands.
The Simulation and Data Labs (SDLs) and the Cross-Sectional Groups (CSGs) are two important pillars of our support activities in NHR4CES.
Scientific Consulting
Simulation and Data Labs
Four SDLs are established in NHR4CES. The SDLs address thematically focused application scenarios and the further development of the associated simulation codes or support tools.
Cross-Sectional Groups
Four CSGs are also established in NHR4CES. The CSGs bundle methodological activities that are important for all users of high-performance computers.
Quick Start for Your Computing Time Project
11. March 2025
High-Speed for Simulations
17. February 2025
NHR4CES Community Workshop 2025
15. January 2025
Best paper Award at EuroMPI for NHR4CES Member
For years, TU Darmstadt and RWTH Aachen University have successfully operated regional Tier-2 computers. Parts of both systems have been open to academic researchers from all over Germany for years. The goal is to combine HPC applications, algorithms and methods, and the efficient use of HPC hardware.
This creates an infrastructure with which scientists can answer questions of central importance to the economy and society – whether in the field of engineering and materials sciences or engineering-oriented physics, chemistry or medicine.
What NHR4CES computing time can be used for